
Hemp Seeds Properties

It is time to talk about hemp seeds, a very resistant plant of Asian origin (Central Asia). It has been consumed there for centuries, while in the West it was only used as bird food.

Hemp seeds come from the Hemp Sativa plant, a species with hundreds of varieties. Hemp usually comes from the same Hemp Sativa plant, but it is important to emphasize that hemp seeds do not contain any narcotic elements or substances.

Recently, it has been proven that Hemp Seed is a superfood, as it contains a high concentration of nutrients in the exact proportions that our body needs. Below we explain some of the properties that these seeds offer us.

Nutritional information of hemp seed

One of the nutrients that hemp seeds provide us with the most, and the most surprising because of their correct proportion, are the essential fatty acids omega 3 and omega 6. They are called essential because the body cannot manufacture them, so they must be added to the diet. They have anti-inflammatory properties and relieve pain, mainly.

They are also rich in protein and easily digested, in addition to containing all the essential amino acids for the body. Therefore, they are as effective a source of vegetable protein as soybeans, which are so popular today, but there are some differences between them that we explain below:

  • Soy is a legume, therefore, it is a little more difficult to digest.
  • On a nutritional level, soy contains a little more protein and calcium, but hemp has 8 more amino acids than soy protein.

To cultivate the hemp plant, no pesticides are needed, unlike soy which is transgenic almost everywhere in the world. Another quality is that they have a lot of fiber and few carbohydrates, so they help us to maintain the intestinal rhythm and treat constipation.

Hemp Seeds also offer us some vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin E, and B group vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, manganese, and sulfur.

Properties of hemp seeds

  • Helps us to treat constipation thanks to its high fiber content.
  • Increases good cholesterol and improves cardiovascular health thanks to omega 3.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Keeps arteries, veins, and heart in good condition due to its vitamin E content, which is an antioxidant.
  • Helps keep bones in good condition, since calcium, together with phosphorus and magnesium, benefits bone growth, strength, and maintenance.
  • It benefits the nervous system, since magnesium is a natural relaxant, and this, in turn, helps us to curb tiredness and fatigue.

As mentioned above, hemp seed also contains omega 3 and omega 6. These essential fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties, which is why they are recommended for arthritis and dermatitis. It also helps women with menstrual pain, which in turn, because it contains iron, helps prevent anemia.

Health Benefits

Hemp seeds have long been prized as a high-quality source of plant-based protein and omega fatty acids. A single serving of hemp seeds, about two heaping tablespoons, provides 10 grams of protein and 10 grams of omegas. To find more information on other benefits of hemp, visit hempworx 750 for additional tips and ideas.

Hemp also contains all nine essential amino acids, which we need to obtain through diet, as our bodies do not produce them naturally. Hemp seed oil, which is oil derived from pressed hemp seeds, contains the most essential fatty acids of any nut or seed oil.

Of the three major hemp products on the market (seeds, oil, and protein powder), hemp seeds will provide the broadest spectrum of nutritional benefits per serving.